
Framework Studio | 创造精致、温暖的生活

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


Framework Studio是一家提供全方位服务的室内设计和概念设计工作室,总部位于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,致力于为餐厅,零售场所,办公室和私人住宅创造城市的标志性内饰。

工作室由Thomas Geerlings于2007年创立,从那时起,设计和管理团队稳步发展,专业化程度越来越高。现在由Thomas Geerlings,Maarten ter Stege和Sascha Faase共同管理。

Canal House

当设计师有机会设计自己的家时,其结果就是表达奔放的想法以及对信念、理想的审视。对于Framework Studio创始人Thomas Geerlings和他的妻子Danielle来说,这是一项艰巨的任务。

When designers are given the opportunity to tackle their own home, the result is the expression of unrestrained ideas and the interrogation of beliefs and ideals. It is a considerable privilege, a daunting task and a journey that Framework Studio founder, Thomas Geerlings and his wife Danielle undertook with gusto. 


The couple bought a rather ruinous house along the canal near the Amstelveld in Amsterdam and spent over a year renovating the five-storey family home. 


Geerlings focused on two main factors throughout the design process: firstly to create a comfortable and functional family home and secondly to respect the characteristics and idiosyncrasies of the historic building which was a former warehouse dating back to 1896. The exterior is left mostly untouched with the designer explaining that he “wanted the outer shell to be true to the original building, adding the bare minimum of technical detailing in doors and doorways to make it a comfortable environment”.  


Although a former warehouse, Geerlings steered away from an industrial style. Instead, there is a sense of warmth from the combination of oak floorboards, emerald veined marble and raw cement walls. Geerlings kept materials ton-sur-ton or tonally unified with greens and greys layered in various hues and textures. The tactile materials, expressed beams and rounded forms create a sense of harmony and composure that is far from industrial. “I don’t like industrial or loft spaces. They just don’t do it for me… I like unfussy, unfinished details,” remarks the designer. 

Canal House使用drop-dead gorgeous艺术风格的家具,以修复优雅的空间。甜美的绿色座椅、沙发和餐桌都是定制设计,餐桌、床架、凳子和5米长的儿童桌也是如此。室内被荷兰艺术风、复古家具和不拘一格的灯具所占据。

Canal House is adorned with some seriously drop-dead gorgeous art and objects to complement the elegantly restored spaces. Luscious green seating, a sofa and dining benches were custom designed by Framework as were the dining tables, bed frames, stools, benches and a five-meter long craft table for the children. These lovingly designed pieces are surrounded by Dutch art, vintage furniture and eclectic lighting. 

Framework所设计的Canal House拥有意想不到的不完美和开放式设计。“我认为设计更像是一幅画的组成部分——所有这些组成部分必须互相沟通。然后你会发现一些非常有趣的事情正在发生。”

Framework’s Canal House is characterised by unexpected imperfection and open-ended design. “I see design as rather like the composition of a painting – all these components have to talk to each other. Then you have something really interesting going on,” explains Geerlings. 

La Bibliothèque Salon

La Bibliothèque Salon超越了室内设计的层面,它所体现的是一种远见,其关注点不在遥远的未来,而是接下来的十年内人们所重视的质地与工艺,并非浅显的视觉上的满足。

La Bibliothèque Salon is not an interior. Its a vision, not for the future but a direction for the next decade where the new focus is about texture and craftsmanship instead of superficial visual satisfaction.


A library is an introvert space that gives you shelter and comfort, but does not distract the attention from the books as the main starting element of the designing process. But a library also offers you a place to sit and relax, the surrounding atmosphere for an interesting conversation whilst giving the user a sense of comfort and sanctity. A large silver travertine cube is placed in the middle of a rectangular space. It is a room in a room with the propose to find an inner focus.

空间中完美的对称性使人感受到一种直接的操控感和平静氛围。材料的选择、石英材质的饰面、空心的哑光石灰华,均参考了Stefan Vanfleteren的艺术作品,展现出像手工纸品般的粗糙质地。精致的工艺细节见诸于每一件设计物品当中。

The perfect symmetry give you an immediate sense of control of the space and a sense of serenity. The selection of materials, the Quartz paint, the unfilled honed travertine, all refer to the art work of Stefan Vanfleteren as the rough surface of hand-made paper. Details of craftsmanship can be visible in every object we designed.


We were asked to design a library for a Dutch interior design fair. As it is relatively simple to imagine yourself a library, we tried to approach the subject more thematically. So we asked ourselves two questions: how do we translate the function of a library into a design? How can objects, materials and art displayed in a space strengthen the overall concept. Our aim was to indulge the visitors in a design concept which does not stop at the first layer of an object or the second of materialization, but it continues in the vision of the Viabizzuno lights and in the constant relationship between the library and the art of Stephen Vanfleteren. All different layers interact each other.


We wanted the library design to be a complete experience where every aspect involved is essential. What we offer is an illusion, like life can only be better with a designer. But is it? Or are we a product of capitalism and materialism? Anyhow. Design should play with your emotions, and that is what our library does. I frightens you, it comforts you and it questions itself. Is a library always only a library?

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